How the LORD is using the Face to Face Ministry through the Life of David E. Taylor to bring Unification to Korea!
The Unification of North and South Korea Begins!
For over 26 years in global ministry, David E. Taylor has declared and prophesied the word of the Lord to kings, cities, nations, and regions. Honored and received as an accurate prophet by leaders and fathers in the Body of Christ, he continues to be shown approved by God with mighty signs, wonders, and miracles following. Since his conversion at the age of 17, when Jesus first appeared to him face to face, David E. Taylor has passionately pursued his relationship with the Lord above all else, and the Lord continues to appear to him face to face, sharing His heart and commissioning him with divine assignments (read “Face to Face Appearances from Jesus: The Ultimate Intimacy”). In 1997, in a face to face visitation, Jesus gave him an ancient power that is most phenomenal and is bringing worldwide freedom and deliverance! While he was asleep, the Lord appeared to him in a dream, He was wearing a beautiful white robe and was walking with David, side by side. Jesus took a few paces in front of him, and then He stopped and looked at David with eyes full of love, but this time they were also mixed with trust. Jesus said, “David, I’m giving you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatsoever you bind on Earth, I, Jesus, will back you up and whatsoever you loose, I, the Lord Jesus, will back you up.” The Lord told him that these are the same keys He gave Peter when he was alive on earth. “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19) With these Keys, Jesus sends David E. Taylor into regions with His authority to decree, declare, and break the rule of demonic kings, princes, and strongholds, and to bring the Kingdom and move of God! Below are just a few testimonies of this ancient government and power that is manifested when David E. Taylor uses the keys of the kingdom:
• Ontario, Canada – The biggest drug bust in the history of Ontario! Over $250 million dollars in cocaine was seized (August 2018), after David E. Taylor came to Toronto in April 20, 2017, declaring the biggest drug bust would happen confirming the move of God has started in Canada!
• Fort Wayne, Indiana – December 22, 2014. One of the biggest heroin busts in the history of Northern Indiana happened just a few weeks after David E. Taylor released the keys of the Kingdom over the region at the Miracle Crusade on November 20-22, 2014. In May 2015, the largest cocaine network in Northern Indiana was brought down too!
•Detroit, MI. – February 10, 2010 – The very night David E. Taylor prophesied a major drug bust in Detroit would happen, a few hours later it did! The next morning, the local news reported: Detroit police seize over 4 million dollars in drugs within a 2-hour blitz!
• Los Angeles, California – February 2017: A statewide operation targeting human traffickers; hundreds of people were arrested, and dozens of sexually-exploited children were saved, as prophesied by David E. Taylor!
• Super Bowl Bust – February 2017: A massive 12 state operation, 73 victims were freed and over 552 arrested for human sex-slave trafficking!
• Operation Cross Country – October 2013: Known as the biggest FBI human slave-trafficking operation and bust in history happened after David E. Taylor loosed the keys of the Kingdom over America, and declared that the biggest bust would happen!
Sent to South Korea Through a Face to Face Visitation
Just recently, you saw history making coverage on all major news syndicates (NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, CBS) concerning the beginning stages of North and South Korea’s unification. However, this is what you didn’t see or hear! The News is showing you the results, but you need to know what took place behind the scenes, and hear the account of what really happened to cause the unification! In 2013, The Lord Jesus appeared to David E. Taylor and told him that He was sending him back to Korea to use the Keys of the Kingdom that He had given him in 1997 through a face to face visitation to break the satanic prince that was ruling over the governmental leaders and land of Korea. Jesus said to him, “When I send you to Korea, during the first service when you arrive on the land, use the Keys of the Kingdom that I gave you in a dream, the same ones I gave Peter when he was alive and that you been using now for years, against the principality and king demon that has been influencing North Korea. When you do this, that prince demon will fall! ”

Jesus visited David E. Taylor Face to Face in 1997 to give him the Keys to the Kingdom spoke about in Matthew 16 to break demonic strongholds!
The first services in February 2013 will forever go down in history as a turning point for the nation of Korea. During the 2013 Korean Crusades, David E. Taylor prophesied, “I decree to you by the Spirit of God, that the regime in North Korea shall fall and millions shall be saved, millions shall be delivered, millions shall be set free! North Korea shall be free of their bondage! Satanic powers are being broken over the nation of Korea! There shall be a revival! There shall be an awakening! There shall be a reformation! There shall be a move of God! Shout hallelujah, somebody! North and South Korea shall become one! The Lord said to me in the space of 5 years this will begin to take place!

David E. Taylor meets with World Renowned Leader Dr. David Yonggi Cho during his 2013 Visit to Korea!
The two lands shall become one! We must prepare now to reap the harvest!” David E. Taylor also went on to prophecy that same year, “And I say unto you, your nation shall never be the same. I shall turn the heart of your enemies, even North Korea, for I saith to you, saith the Lord, I say unto you saith your God, my hand shall not stop being stretched forth until I have turned the hearts of your enemies and they shall be saved, they shall be delivered, saith the Lord.”
David E. Taylor meets with Dr. David Cho and Prophesies the Unification of Korea
When Jesus commissioned David E. Taylor face to face, to go to Korea, He gave him a sign to give to the people of Korea signifying that this word was true. The Lord told him that an assuring and confirming sign of the prophetic word that the two lands would become one, was that He would open the door for him to meet Dr. Cho! David was amazed and told the Lord that he always wanted to meet Dr. Cho but didn’t know how, because there was no current connection. Jesus responded, “I Am The Door.”
Amazingly, without any priory arrangement, or scheduled meeting, the door supernaturally opened for David E. Taylor and Dr. Cho to meet! During this time, Dr. Cho told him how face to face appearances from Jesus was spreading throughout Korea and how God was using him in Korea. Hundreds of thousands of Koreans were experiencing face to face visitations from Jesus! As a leading father in the nation of Korea, Dr. Cho prayed blessings upon David, to fulfill his work in Korea. At the same time, David E. Taylor also prophesied over Dr, Cho, that God had extended his life and he would live to see the unification of Korea begin to take place with his own eyes. That is miraculous! Hallelujah!
David E. Taylor’s Testimony of How Jesus Appeared to Him Face to Face In February 2013 and Many More Times After, To Loose Unification in Korea!
The Unification of North and South Korea has begun!
It is the fifth year since David E. Taylor traveled to Korea and released the keys of the kingdom, declaring that in 5 years we would see the unification begin. We are seeing it come to pass, just like he said! On April 26, 2018, North and South Korea’s leaders held a historic summit! North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, and South Korea’s President, Moon Jae-in, met at the line that separates both lands. Here are some of their comments during Friday’s meeting on the South Korean side of the Demilitarized Zone: “Now you are here in the South, and I wonder when I can cross over to the North,” Mr. Jae-in said when Mr. Jong-un crossed the border and they shook hands. “Why don’t you now?” Jong-un asked. Jong-un took Jae-in by the hand and they crossed over the slabs of concrete that mark the border! They stood together in North Korea shaking hands!

The Unification of North and South Korea has begun!
How amazing! The two leaders have agreed to put an official end to the Korean War, 65 years after the armed conflict ended in 1953. In the past, there was a signing of an armistice agreement, but no formal peace treaty was ever agreed upon by the two Koreas. Therefore, technically, the Korean peninsula has remained at war for all these years. However, the two leaders reached a remarkable agreement and signed the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity, and Unification of the Korean Peninsula. The document commits the two countries to a nuclear-free peninsula and initiates a formal end to the Korean War! Afterward, the North Korean leader addressed a world audience, saying: “We are one nation and cannot be separated, we are one blood.” Face to Face is Uniting the Two Koreas! Wherever David E. Taylor is sent, he brings the Kingdom of God and breaks demonic princes through the move of face to face and the government of the Kingdom of God. Face to Face is the move and the Kingdom is the message that is bringing about national deliverance and uniting all of Korea! When unity comes, God can command the blessing! The blessing of God is going to come on Korea as the two lands become one! “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! …for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore” (Psalm 133). Although there is much to be done in Korea, the word of the Lord is coming to pass, and the two lands shall become one. What is taking place in Korea, is another sure proof of many that God is with David E. Taylor, and that he is the Lord’s face to face friend and prophet. He has been given the keys of the Kingdom, in this generation, to manifest God’s sovereign rule and dominion. Join David E. Taylor in supporting God’s vision for the unification of North and South Korea! Millions are about to be saved, healed, and delivered! A massive harvest is happening! Your prayers are needed and appreciated as well as your financial support!

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in Meet to bring Unification to Korea!
Join David E. Taylor in supporting God’s vision for the unification of North and South Korea! Millions are about to be saved, healed, and delivered! A massive harvest is happening! Your prayers are needed and appreciated as well as your financial support! It is time now to stand with the nation of Korea! America and Korea have always had a very special relationship. God has knitted the heart of the two nations together. During the Korean War, America was instrumental and used by God to preserve the nation of South Korea. It is time now we support and bring to completion God’s plan for the nation! Vision for Unification: * Provide fully operational treatment centers for North Korean refugees. These centers will feed, educate, restore, and rehabilitize. * Open up a facility in Korea that will train, equip, and mobilize ministers of the gospel to help the North Korean refugees. * Provide ministerial support and resources to the church in Korea * Hold massive crusades to pray for the sick and teach the Word of God! Call 1.877.845.4567 For More Info!