September 11, 2001 – Dream of the 9/11 Terrorist Attack Given to David E. Taylor before Time
In a Visitation from Jesus in a Dream, when David E. Taylor was a young man, the Lord showed him in a dream the attack of 9/11 almost 10 years before it happened. He saw who would be president (George Bush Jr.) and also the nations behind the attack. All through a dream! God was trying to warn America through dreams! America, in her pride, and because of a lack honor in the dream realm, the warnings were ignored. He was even in New York city the day before, and the morning of, warning people. Sid Roth heard about his testimony, and had him share it on his show, “It’s Supernatural.”where David Shared God’s word for America.

David E. Taylor appeared on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” TV Program Sharing his Prophetic Dream about the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
Dream of the 9/11 Terrorist Attack Given to David E. Taylor before Time