
Preface To The Book:

This book entitled, Face to Face Appearances from Jesus is one that the Lord commanded me to write by divine appearance in 2006 and then again in 2008 after my 18-20 years of ministry.

Jesus first appeared to me when I was a 17 year old teenager in high school during my 12th grade year.  Before then I was involved in gangs, smoking dope, shootouts and worldliness of all forms.  One night while I was asleep in December of 1989, Jesus appeared to me in a dream and talked with me face to face for the very first time.  I was a sinner.

Then, I thought as He stood in front of me in that beautiful glowing white robe, “Who am I that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords would come to me face to face in this way.”  He didn’t just appear to me in a bright light, I saw His face.  As Jesus stood in front of me for the very first time His face and presence exuded an indescribable magnificence of glory emanating out of Him, His face was full of light and power.

As I looked into His eyes they were glowing full of love beyond my human understanding at that time 20 years ago and even now.  Standing in front of me was the man that I had heard of as a little boy my entire life.  I had heard about this man from my father and mother and was told that He died on the cross for my sins and that He rose from the dead on the first day.

He truly was not real to me at this time, only a religious opinion.  I thought He was just someone my parents had told me about because of their religious beliefs.  Then out of nowhere there He was standing in front of me. His very presence exuded emanated such gentleness, a pureness and kindness beyond this world. For the first time standing in front of Jesus my whole being felt Him.  It was a feeling of intense glory.

As I was experiencing this in front of Him I saw how wherever He stands He fills the very atmosphere, air and molecules. Even the atoms inside your very body respond to Him.  My whole being felt like it was caught up into Him.  The very atoms of my body felt like I was about to explode as currents of electricity went through me.  Jesus was just a little bit taller than me. About 6 feet or more, the perfect height of a man. This feeling going through was total ecstasy, blistering ecstatic eruption!  It was ecstasy!

As I gazed upon Him I saw that the color of His hair was sandy brownish. It parted at the top coming over the sides of His face and coming down to His shoulders in waves. Here was the One that I had heard about growing up.  He was so powerful but yet gentle; so merciful yet full of judgment; so meek and lowly, yet so solemnly bold.  I was captivated by His love.

According to what I had been taught, Jesus was the King of Kings but He stood there unassuming and lowly just as common as a normal man.  I was seeing His humility and meekness but I didn’t understand it then.

Apostle David E. Taylor Smiling

From that night in December of 1989, my life was forever changed.  After this I had a burning desire to witness.  He took me from witnessing on the street to Church ministry and then to doing large miracle healing crusades in America which is a result of a trip that the Lord gave me to Heaven to talk to me face to face in the year 2000.

He told me in heaven that He would makes a special trip from Heaven on earth to heal His people in His glorified body during the miracle crusades that He told me to conduct.  Countless thousands have been healed and untwisted out of wheelchairs, along with the blind seeing, deaf hearing, legs growing out, the dumb talking, cancers healed, the dead raised and most of all the salvation of men’s souls.

Without any exaggeration, Jesus has appeared to me face to face many times during the past 18-20 years. I know this may sound unbelievable to some but this is my purpose in writing this article, because Jesus wants to appear to you face to face just as tens of thousands are beginning to see Him as a result of this message that He told me to give.

Jesus wants to be face to face with you! One in which He literally will come and appear to you.  Also during that trip that I had in the year 2000, Jesus walked me around Heaven and allowed me to talk to Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Kuhlman and some other greats of the past who have died and through their deaths have exited the earth.  Did you know that you could also visit Heaven before you died and that Jesus desires to give you this type of trip  on this side of your life?

We have seen hundreds as a result of this message be caught up and taken to Heaven and experience the glories of this other world called Heaven.  You do not have to wait until you die to see Heaven, you can experience this trip even now!

During my trip to Heaven, I also got a chance to see the Throne Room of the Father God as I was taken there by the Lord Jesus Christ.  Many others have begun to experience a trip to the Throne room of the Father as well.

The purpose of this book is not just so that you can read the experiences that I have had but I was was commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ to write this book in a  visitation appearance from Him.  In this appearance as the room filled with glory from His presence and person after walking through the wall to enter my room He started to say, “David I want you to write this book on face to face appearances and be finished by December.”

He actually spoke the month that He wanted me to be finished with this book.  Then He went on to say, “Everyone you introduce to Me through this book when they read it, I will appear to them face to face and begin to initiate this intimate relationship with them like I have over the years when you preached this message to thousands.”

He also said to me that as a result of this message and book being written that He would appear to whole cities in America which has begun to start happening. We have full blown pictures of Jesus visiting and appearing in cities as you see in this one where He appeared in the city of Chicago which was captured on pictures for thousands to see.  He then stated, “Tell them, I will come and appear to them.”  He meant saints and sinners in which we seen this happen to both across the board.

We have seen Jesus appear to countless tens of thousands over the years for many multiple divine purposes.  But the highest and main purpose of these appearances is for relationship and intimacy with Jesus Christ personally on a literal and physical face to face level.  You too can enjoy this relationship with Jesus and now more than ever you can literally see Him face to face.  This is not new to Him or Heaven… It is new to us.

These appearances have been experienced and discussed by men and women alike throughout the bible during the old and new testament times.  Jesus Himself in John 14:21 spoke of this love covenant and the benefits of saying, “He that loveth Me will be loved of by my Father and I will love him manifest myself to him”.  Here we see that Jesus promised to manifests Himself which comes from the greek emphanizo which means to show oneself openly and plainly to another, to appear to.  His promise doesn’t get any plainer than this!  My friend He is coming to you.  Be ready and excited to receive Him when he comes.

Some of you who are reading this article will begin to have dramatic and divine appearances from the Lord.  Others of you will be taken to Heaven at night while you are sleep and during the day out of your body while you are awake. To confirm this further, one night in a service that I attended with Prophet Kim Clement whom I love dearly, he began prophesying that he saw a book that I was writing (not knowing that I had had a divine visitation from Jesus to write this book).

He prophesied that this book would go to the world and reach millions of people. He prophesied this without any prior knowledge of knowing that I was writing this book.  The prophecy was accurate… It was amazing that night!  I’m so thankful to God for the Prophet Kim Clement and the work that He has had him to do around the country.

In conclusion, I am excited for what awaits you after reading this article and buying this book and receiving it while reading in the Spirit in which it was given because I know as He promised, He will come to you!

To those who love His appearing – 2 Tim 4:8

David E. Taylor

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