“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” -John 14:18
I have attended church all my life, and have operated in the patterns and doctrines of my denomination and religion. I was introduced to Face to Face with Jesus through the ministry of David E. Taylor, and I found that religion was defeating and keeping me and my family incomplete. The Face to Face message encouraged me and gave me hope that God will intervene and my family would be changed.

Pastor testifies of his Appearance from Jesus
After I read the “Face to Face Appearances from Jesus: The Ultimate Intimacy” by David E. Taylor, Jesus visited me! My life was supernaturally changed. Jesus came to me in a white robe. He blew a white light down my throat that went to the depths of my soul. It showed me the depths of what Jesus saw in me, and what was needed in me to minister effectively to reach and save people so they can experience Jesus, Face to Face too!

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” -John 14:18