
Breaking the Ignorance and
Silence about who God is

What happened on June 3, 2006 in the skies of North Idaho and covered the regions of Colville, Chewelah and Spokane, Washington, was not just a bright or colorful cloud as some have called it, or something that can be explained away by scientific reasoning. God is doing something new in our nation and in our generation that has never been seen before! God is in the center of all of this and by this we know that God, the Father is ready to pour out the latter rain on Colville, Chewelah and Spokane.

Are you ready! We are right in the middle of the greatest move of God that the world has ever known right here in Washington. It is a move of the Glory of God. We are not waiting for it; it is here! The heavens are on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven is on earth. The King of Heaven is on earth. The Emperor is on earth! The Father is here and I will prove it to you by the scriptures. When you see a rainbow, it is a sign of something. What appeared in the skies on the third was not a rainbow. It was the color of a rainbow but it was not a rainbow. A rainbow has a ‘bow’ shape to it. What appeared in the skies did not have that shape but rather had the appearance of fire.

Why The Father has come to Earth…

You notice that the scripture says “he shall come unto us,” where is He coming to? Earth. Where is He coming from? Heaven. That is the definition of a move of God – God coming to earth and moving amongst men. I had always referred to the “he shall come unto us” as Jesus. The Latter Rain is Jesus but I have come to find out, through a young seven year old Hungarian boy who the “he” was actually referring to. The child received a visitation and was taken to Heaven and Jesus said: “I brought you here to tell you that I have called you to be a prophet.” (Listen dear readers, no matter how old or young you are, God has a destiny for you; you have to find out what it is!) While in Heaven, Jesus showed him the last move of God that will be poured out on the world, starting in the center of America which is St. Louis.

He saw millions of people coming to St. Louis. He could see through the portal of Heaven into the future and he described a massive move of God. I talked with this young child, and asked him what did he see. I asked him where he was while in Heaven and he said: “the throne room of the Father.” I have always loved the throne room of the Father; I have been there. It is such an awesome sight; such power! Such electricity coming out of his throne! There is also a beautiful marble floor in front of His throne. When I questioned him about what he saw, he confirmed things that I had seen and then I knew that he had really gone there. You must understand that there are things in Heaven that you cannot describe, unless you have been there. I asked him if he saw the Father. He said no. I asked him why and He said that the throne of the Father was empty. Well, I must tell you that peaked my interest. I asked him why the Father’s throne was empty. He said: “he was on earth working with you.” He then continued and said: “Jesus told me to give you a message. He said ‘tell David that I am pleased with what he preaches because he doesn’t preach what people want to hear, he preaches what I want to hear.”

The Father comes to Earth for a Three-fold purpose:

  1. To fellowship with man;
  2. To work on behalf of man and lastly
  3. To co-labor with His servants.

“And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:” Ephesians 3:9

That visitation corrected something that I preached wrongly for years. The “He” that Hosea was referring to was not Jesus but it was the Father. The Father is the one over the latter rain administration of this last move of God. The Father is the one over the administration of the last move of God on earth. He, the Father will come off His throne and come to earth in this last dispensation for the move of God. Do you know how great that is? I have been personally seeking God for nine years. It is my desire to see God sweep through this city, this nation and world and touch the hearts of man and set them on fire for God. One of my main prayers to the Lord has been: “Father, I not only want you to come down to earth, but I want you to manifest yourself openly to all the people and show me and your Body how to flow and cooperate with you.”

The Father came to earth for a three-fold purpose. 1) to fellowship with man; 2) to work on behalf of man and lastly; 3) to co-labor with His servants.

I prayed to the Lord and told Him that I noticed that Moses and Jesus both had the Father working with them on earth. I had read in Peter that there is a more excellent glory than in Moses’ time. I said to Him: “Lord, I want you to come and work with me on earth.” In 1992, Jesus came and showed me the Latter Rain that He is going to pour out on the world starting in His church and shared the reason why He could not do it at that time. He revealed that a few of the reasons He could not release that glory was because there was so much worldliness in the church and the pastors refused to stand up against sin and speak out against unrighteousness in the house. You see, we need to understand that when the glory and sin mix, it creates a reaction called judgment.

In 1995, Jesus sent me to St. Louis, Missouri from my hometown of Memphis, Tennessee to do one week of revival and on the third day, the angel of the Lord came to me in a dream and said: “…the Father and Jesus sent me to tell you that the Glory you saw in Jesus’ hands in 1992, will start here in St. Louis and from here it will spread all over the world.” And what he said has begun to come to pass. After that angelic visitation, thousands from around the nation packed into a small inner city church in St. Louis and what was to be a week-long revival lasted for an entire year! Since that move, God has sent me to multiple cities around the US and overseas and we are seeing the manifestation of God’s promise. The glory is spreading around the world!

A Move of God Is When God Remains

It is difficult for God to find people and pastors who can flow with Him because few are willing to come out of their same old programs. God will not follow man; we must follow God. In a move of God you are to be sensitive to Him. The point of a move of God is for us to move with God. You cannot control a move of God. The moment you put your hands on it, it stops. We are to go to the media and to the pastors of that city. We are to tell them that the Father is on earth and He is ready to pour out the latter rain in America. Hallelujah! You cannot explain away what has been happening very notably in recent years. This is the Father. Do you understand what we have entered into? I have prayed for nine years that the Father would come and perform His covenant to work with me on earth and to manifest Himself to all the people. I have prayed that sinners and saints alike would see Him like Moses saw Him; like in Jesus’ time on the Mount of Transfiguration.

Every time the Father has ever come to the earth, He has come in a cloud form to protect us from Himself. God is a consuming fire and like the sun, if we get too close to Him we would disintegrate, so He puts an atmosphere around Himself. That’s why He told Moses that: “lo I come unto thee in a thick cloud.” We have a picture where a man in the Middle East videotaped Mount Sinai where the Father came down and the top of the Mount is still black because God descended upon it in fire.


Why Did the Father Come Wrapped in a Cloud?

When God comes, He must wrap Himself in a cloud because if we were too close to Him we would disintegrate just like if we neared too close to the sun. God is many times more powerful than the sun. God created a firmament, an atmosphere and clouds, in order to protect us from the radiation of the sun. The sun in no wise can compare to God.

Exodus 33:20-23

20 And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.
21 And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock:
22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:
23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.

When Moses asked to see God’s glory (Exodus 33:20-23) He replied: “Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.” We cannot see the raw, forward-facing view of the Face of God and live. The Father said that He would cover Moses until He passed by and he would see His back parts. Whenever the Father comes on earth, He comes wrapped in a cloud. Let me explain something to those of you who may be saying, “that was a cloud that appeared in skies on June 3rd not God,” You cannot expect that when the Father comes down on earth that you will see His face in raw form, you cannot see the Father in His raw form or you would die. In order to protect us from His power He comes in the form of, or wrapped in a cloud. That is the ”cover” that He uses to protect us. He covered Moses as He passed by. As you investigate the photograph, you will notice that it is actually a glimpse of the side view of the Father’s Face. Why a side view? Because He was passing by! You will notice on the photo that only the side view of the face is visible: one eye and one full cheek, part of the nose and forehead, the mouth (both lips) and beard. You will also notice that the pupil of the eye appears to be near the back or right side of the eye. If you were to pass by and look at something, as you turn your head, you’d notice that your pupil moves to the far end of your eye. This is why the other side of His Face is not seen. God is peering (looking) through the cloud at the earth. Let’s verify this by the Word.

Exodus 14:24

20 And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians.

Did you catch that! Here you see the cloud, you see God looking through the cloud at the Egyptians. God does not change. When He comes down to earth, He cloaks Himself in a cloud and He peers (or looks) at man. God passed by Moses. He passed by Elijah (1 Kings 19:11-12) and now, in our generation, God has come off His throne and is passing by. He started in Colville, WA (and the revival is still going on!) and is moving all throughout the North American continent. This is even verified by the photographs and videos itself. You can see photos and footage throughout this website.

I know this may be hard for some because the only thing people can relate to about God, is what He did in Moses’ time. Well, I have news for you; He is here in our time and I will explain to you what I mean. This is the greatest time for our cities, nation and world! When the Father comes down, He comes to do something. God loves us so much and desires to be close to us that He will wrap Himself in a cloud just to be around us. Even though He comes in a cloud, let me explain to you what is inside of the cloud. It is God. Because of our humanity we try to reason things out and say the glory “cloud” is here. NO! It is God. The Glory is God. Wrapped inside of the cloud is a Man, who did so to protect us from the radiation of His power. I have great news for you, what is so major about God coming in our generation is that WE CAN SEE HIM without dying! God the Father sent Jesus to the World to reconcile us to Himself and because Jesus paid the price for our sin we no longer have to die because of it when we come into the presence of our Father! What a wonderful God!

From Genesis to Revelation, very few times in history has the Father come off his throne to earth to do anything significant. That’s why the Bible specifically records whenever God rose from His throne. It states: “and God came down” because it is a major thing when God comes off His throne.

God’s Past Purposes for Coming to Earth

  1. To Create Man (Gen. 1:26)
  2. To Fellowship with Man (Adam & Eve) in the Garden (Gen. 3:8)
  3. To confound the language of Man at the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:7)
  4. To Deliver the children of Israel out of the hand of the Egyptians (Ex. 3:8)
  5. To Validate Moses in the sight of all the people (Ex. 19:11)
  6. To Deal with Elijah on Mount Sinai, the same mountain He descended upon with Moses (1 Kings 19:11-12)
  7. To work with Jesus on earth (John 5:17)

Whenever things had gotten out of control that is when God would come down from His throne to earth. Whenever God visited the earth, even when He sent Jesus, it was because things had gotten so bad that He had to intervene (Genesis 6:13). I reiterate, very few times in history does the Father ever come off His throne and when He does, it is for a specific and a special purpose. Hundreds of years pass between the times that the Father visits the earth. This last move of God that is coming will be marked by the Father coming off His throne and working with men. That is awesome! Can you imagine events like what happened with Moses, happening today?

What Are the Attributes of God?

It is difficult for God to find people and pastors who can flow with Him because few are willing to come out of their same old programs. God will not follow man; we must follow God. In a move of God you are to be sensitive to Him. The point of a move of God is for us to move with God. You cannot control a move of God. The moment you put your hands on it, it stops. We are to go to the media and to the pastors of that city. We are to tell them that the Father is on earth and He is ready to pour out the latter rain in America. Hallelujah! You cannot explain away what has been happening very notably in recent years. This is the Father. Do you understand what we have entered into? I have prayed for nine years that the Father would come and perform His covenant to work with me on earth and to manifest Himself to all the people. I have prayed that sinners and saints alike would see Him like Moses saw Him; like in Jesus’ time on the Mount of Transfiguration.

If the Father moves He could destroy entire nations. You have to understand it is a big thing when I say that the Father is on earth. You have to imagine how huge the Father is. His throne is massive. When I say that He’s come down, it is a world-wide thing.

What or Who is the Latter Rain?

The cloud that appeared in Washington State was not a rainbow. It was not a sign from God. It was God! It was the Father and He is covering North America and is about to pour out the latter rain on this region! What is the latter rain? It is the out pouring of God’s power, presence and glory on a region or nation. It is the outpouring of God Himself on a city, people or nation. When you don’t know or understand what God is doing, you cannot cooperate when a visitation comes and therefore Jesus or God passes you right by. Just because He is on earth, doesn’t mean you are going to get what He is there for. If you don’t understand why He’s here or what He is trying to accomplish, He will pass right by you and you won’t even know it. This is why God has commanded me to share this information, so that the inhabitants of our nation will not miss the visitation of God. Heaven has marked our continent for a move of God!

What are the Differences between a
Rainbow and What Appeared in Washington?

The rainbow is a covenant that God made with all creation that he would not destroy the earth with water anymore. He told Noah that the rainbow was a token of His covenant with him and his generations. A rainbow is actually round and is in Heaven around God’s throne. When it rains, we see the arc of the rainbow; the other part of it is on the ground. When God made this covenant with man, He reached behind His back and flung it to the earth. Whenever you see a rainbow it is not a natural thing; that rainbow came from Heaven. Any time you see the colors of the rainbow or the rainbow itself, it is a heavenly token. God even said every time you see my bow you will know that it is a covenant from Heaven, from Me, from My voice, from My heart that I will not destroy the earth again by water. The rainbow is a heavenly commodity. Before Noah, there was no rainbow. Every time you see the rainbow it represents the Kingdom of God because it comes from heaven. It is not natural. The rainbow is produced because of God’s presence. Don’t think the colors seen in a rainbow can be described scientifically. The colors of a rainbow do not exist on earth by themselves in the sequential order of the rainbow. A bow did not exist on earth until the Father put it here. A rainbow doesn’t appear because of the sun. It appears because God said He would put it here as a token of the covenant. God took the bow from heaven and put it on earth as a sign to us. The rainbow is eternal. What appeared in the skies on the third was not a rainbow. It was the color of a rainbow but it was not a rainbow. A rainbow has a ‘bow’ shape to it. What appeared in the skies did not have that shape but rather had the appearance of fire like we read in Ezekiel 1:26-28.

What Happens Next?

The next thing that is going to happen is God is going to show all that this is Him. He is going to speak out of the cloud! This is the next thing He told me He was going to do. Every time in history where the Father came on earth, He spoke out of the cloud openly in front of sinners and saints. He was heard by everyone in both Moses’ time and in Jesus’ time.

I have seen in the Spirit, thousands coming from everywhere. I saw a move of God hit that little church in St. Louis and it came to pass. I saw a move of God hit that little church in Colville and it has happened! We are not waiting on this, it is here! This is it. America, this is the time of your visitation. This is the acceptable year of the Lord! You’d better receive what God has for you! Whether you understand it or not; whether you can believe it or not; lift your hands and thank Him for it. I have been waiting on the Father to come down in the form of the latter rain, notably, for many years and He promised me through a heavenly visitation that He would work with me on earth and it has come! I believe this is it. Jesus said: “…that if you would have known the things that belong unto you if you would have known the time of your visitation.” You have got to get to the point where you get radical! You must get to the point where you are sick and tired of the routine life and you want a move of God. Well, whether you want it or not it is already here. People have already started to come from all over and thousands are coming.

The glory cloud that appeared in Washington State, Detroit/ Taylor, MI and most recently in New Brunswick, Canada was not just a cloud or natural phenomena. How could this happen months, weeks and even days after the Lord had David E. Taylor prophesy of the Father coming on earth and appearing openly before millions in America? The Father is in our country and the last move of God has begun. Many may not know what it is but we must tell them.

When the Father comes down, He shows saints and sinners alike. The Father is blatant. Jesus is bold but the Father is all out blatant. We, as a society would call it rude. Notice how Jesus walked across the water politely, boldly yet in faith but the Father just blasted the thing and made the water to stand up like walls for the children of Israel. He breathed air from His nostrils and they were able to walk across on dry the ground. The Father is impressive; He is terrible! Let me say this, He is extravagant. The Father is flamboyant. God wants you to see fire come down from heaven in the form of a cloud. He wants to show His power! He is blatant; He is flamboyant and He is extravagant and anyone who has a problem with that doesn’t want to work with the Father. This I speak to the household of faith.

Whenever the Father has to come down to the earth, He has to crack knuckle heads – people who do not believe Him; His adversaries that fight against Him! He has to come down and show them that He is still God and the last word and rule comes from Heaven. That is why in this last move, people will be without excuse. The last move of God will be an unprecedented move, one where man will not be able to explain it away. In this last hour, when God comes down man will be without excuse for giving their lives to God. The move of God will be so great that God will kick every other god off their seats; Buddha, Muhammad and all others will be exposed as the idols that they really are.

God spoke to Moses openly and the Bible shows that He spoke openly with Jesus as well, saying “this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) The people heard the Father’s voice. We are about to experience the audible voice of God while the Father is now on earth. I say it boldly! You may try to explain away these glorious appearances but what the Father is about to do next you cannot explain away. I prophesy to you that we are going to hear the Father speak out of the cloud. The media will not be able to attribute this to scientific facts. His voice will speak openly over this entire region. Value God’s presence. He that hath an ear let him hear.

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