
The thumb is the shortest, thickest opposable digit on the human hand, differing from the other four fingers. Biblically, the thumb may represent the Apostle of the fivefold ministry being that the thumb is the first of the five fingers. The thumb can touch every finger on the hand and is responsible for grabbing, making it administrative.


Positive: To dream of a thumb may mean being set apart and having the power to be successful in administrative affairs. Seeing a thumb sticking up may represent approval or the signal to proceed.


Negative:  Dreaming of a thumb could symbolize the need to control one’s life. A missing thumb may represent being rejected, unorganized, and having no control. Dreaming of a swollen or large thumb may symbolize pride. Seeing a thumb facing downward may mean disapproval or rejection. A thumb being cut off could mean losing authority.


(Exodus 29:20; Leviticus 14:17; Judges 1:6-7).


Categories: Body Parts
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