
A horsefly is an insect in the fly family that is much larger than the housefly and is known to suck blood and bite livestock, cattle, and humans. They can represent demonic spirits and uncleanness.


Positive: Dreaming of killing a horsefly may represent how one is going to get the victory over certain evil spirits or sins in one’s life. It could represent the judgment of God. If you see dead flies in your house or bathroom, it could indicate how God is starting a purification process in you.


Negative: If a horsefly is biting you in a dream, it can be a sign of a demonic spirit that is annoying you or pestering you. Seeing a swarm of horseflies might represent that God’s judgment has been released. If the dreamer isn’t bothered by the flies, it could symbolize that they have a spiritual issue.


(Psalm 78:45; Exodus 8:21; 2 Corinthians 7:1; 1 John 1:9; Exodus 8:24; Ezekiel 36:25; Ecclesiastes 10:1).

Categories: Insects
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