
Genitals are the reproductive organs of men and women consisting of the penis, testicles, and vagina.


Positive: Seeing genitals in a dream can represent life, strength, good health, power, and authority. Testicles can represent confidence, bravery or courage. Dreaming of a vagina can represent receptivity or compliance to beliefs or ideas. The condition of the vagina can represent how desirable compliance is to a certain situation. To dream of a penis represents power and competence.


Negative: Genitals can also symbolize being exposed, pride, lust, or premature exposure. Seeing testicles in a dream may represent cowardice or pain. Dreaming of a man without a penis represents being powerless or ineffective. Dreaming of a penis can represent pride or problems with people who have more power than you.


(1 Corinthians 11:3; Deuteronomy 25:11; Ezekiel 23:20).

Categories: Body Parts
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