
An escape pod is something used to get out of a dangerous situation. In the Bible, an escape pod was usually a basket or an ark. Moses was put into a basket to keep him safe, Paul was lowered

through the wall in a basket to keep him safe, and Noah escaped from danger through an ark.


Positive: An escape pod represents your way out of a situation you don’t want to be in. For example, dreaming of an escape pod could represent moving to a different job if your current job is unpleasant. Dreaming of an escape pod could be encouragement to know that you have a way out.


Negative: Dreaming of an escape pod could also be God showing you that you are unaware of the harmful situation you are in. This dream could be a warning but God is also showing you that there is a way out. If you are escaping from a good master or leader, it could represent betrayal.


(2 Thessalonians 3:3; Genesis 7:1; 2 Corinthians 11:32-33; Acts 9:23-25; Psalm 9:9; 2 Timothy 2:26).


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