
A bush is a low densely branched shrub. Bushes are referred to in the Bible, most notably when God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush.


Positive: Dreaming of a green bush in a dream may represent an upcoming happy event. It could also symbolize a person’s growth in life or a call to ministry. If you dream that you are maneuvering through bushes or hedges, it may symbolize going through obstacles in order to fulfill a purpose.


Negative: Dreaming of hiding behind a bush could represent dishonesty toward yourself or others. To dream of a bush with thorns may suggest a problematic relationship in your life. If a bush is dead and without leaves, it could mean that your plans will fail and you need to trust God.


(Exodus 3:1-5; Acts 7:30-34; Luke 20:37; Deuteronomy 33:13-16; Mark 12:26; Acts 7:35).

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