
A briefcase is a flat handheld carrier usually used in the business world for papers or books. Briefcases in a dream can be representative of a messenger or information that is concealed until the right time. It can represent the heart and its contents.


Positive: Dreaming of carrying a briefcase or someone else carrying a briefcase could represent one who holds a special message. It could also represent that one is about to receive good news or a blessing. A briefcase could symbolize something that God wants to reveal.


Negative: To dream of a briefcase that is stolen or mishandled could represent that the enemy wants to steal your blessing or important information is in the hands of the wrong person. Pay attention to the person who has access to special things in your life.


(Daniel 12:4; Revelation 6:1; Deuteronomy 32:34; Psalm 25:14; John 12:6).

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