
DAY 83:

I know that for the most part, people want to do good.. Today, I want to remind you and reassure you to do all you do as if you are doing it unto the Lord!

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Colossians 3:23).

In my years of ministry, I have seen many people work to please people, in an attempt to be noticed, and hopefully gain a position. Many have lost their purpose in the process of pleasing man, and have aborted the mission God gave them. They fell in love with the promise of standing on stages and platforms, receiving the praises of men and women, some genuine and some who coveted what the people gave them.. With no regard or remembrance of the GREATER things God predestined for them to have!! His promises are everlasting!! God gives us a genuine Relationship, His Kingdom, Power, and Glory, to which there is no comparison!! What is the point of a legacy with man, if that same legacy is not found in or acknowledged by God!?

Don’t settle for a form of godliness and be powerless, do all you do as if you are doing it unto the Almighty God and you shall find favor… with or without man’s approval!! God is Sovereign and Supreme, please Him in everything! Besides Him, there is no other.!!”  ~David E. Taylor~

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