
DAY 20:

Many people think wisdom comes through education and climbing social ladders. Those things are all good and wisdom can be learned in certain areas as a result. However, the greatest and safest wisdom anyone can have is to have a heart that pursues and draws near to the Lord! I know a lot of people who have the world’s wisdom, but lack a relationship with Jesus and therefore lack His wisdom, which is far greater!!

“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you…” (James 4:8).

Do you need to grow wiser in your pursuit of the Lord? Do you need encouraged and reminded that when you draw near to Him, He promises to draw near to you? Don’t delay! Call  1-877-843-4567 and let a prayer warrior agree with you today!! The Lord longs for your love and your pursuit of Him..!!” ~David E. Taylor~

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