
DAY 114:

DAY 114:

“Many people think that because Esther became the queen, she never endured unfortunate events, challenges, or difficult times before she ever made it to the palace.

On the contrary, she lost both of her parents when she was just a young girl.. It is devastating to lose one parent at any age, but to lose both at the same time as a child, must have been brutal. Mordecai was Esther’s uncle and he cared for her as his own and they developed a close bond and had a very unique relationship. He was a great influence in her life, even in her destiny concerning the king and the palace.

The transitions that Esther had to make over the course of her young life were not easy by any means. She was separated from her parents, then separated from the only other family she had, when she was brought to be part of the king’s harem.. Despite the events she faced, she endured every contradiction and found favor with the king, that not only delivered her and her uncle, but all the Jews.

You may not know that the timing between Queen Vashti being removed and Esther becoming Queen was four years.. Although she did not understand things as they unfolded, she would come to understand that everything she experienced was the preparation that she needed for “for such a time as this!”

Maybe you are questioning God’s plan for your life, and do not understand why circumstances have taken place for you that others never had to face?!! I encourage you today to stop wondering and start trusting God!! He has not planned defeat for you and everything He allows plays a role in the purpose of your destiny!! How do you know that you were not brought to the kingdom for such a time as NOW!!??

We don’t know everything that went through Esther’s mind when she was being prepared for the king, but we do know that it was divine to her purpose, and it resulted in a nation being saved!! She knew prayer and fasting would bring her closer to the Lord and give her the answers she needed, causing her to find favor with the king.. and she was right, because the king stretched forth his scepter to her and fulfilled her request, which by the way was also God’s..!!

“Then said the king unto her, What wilt thou, queen Esther? and what is thy request? it shall be even given thee to the half of the kingdom,” (Esther 5:3).

Your situation may seem impossible, and even hopeless, but when you draw nigh to God through prayer and fasting, He will draw nigh to you and not only bring you the answers you need but the provision as well..!!” David E. Taylor

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