Marriage and Singleness (CD)
In this amazing and vital series by David E. Taylor your heart will find peace as you learn keys to obtaining a successful marriage and ministry. God has planned and destined victory for each of us and He has ordained and made you compatible with one person. God has written your whole life in a book in Heaven, and He is concerned where you end up. Listen now and pursue to learn the heart and strategy of the Father for your destiny in marriage and ministry.
Most singles are focused on marriage instead of getting to know Jesus.
Just because someone is “saved” doesn’t mean they are compatible for your destiny. God has ordained a perfect mate for you.
Marriage requires a mate that can go with you through the journey and fulfill destiny.
Marriage in ministry is important.
The biggest problem in marriage is a lack of communication.
If you desire certain things in your mate, tell them. Be honest and transparent about what you desire from each other.
A woman’s desire is turned toward one man, and when it is, you can’t turn it away. She can’t love two men at once.
Marrying the wrong person can sabotage everything God has written and predestined for your whole life. Seeking God’s will for your mate will protect you from making wrong decisions.
It’s God’s will that you are successful in ministry and in marriage!
Women of Destiny (Book)
In this book, David E. Taylor masterfully explains to a woman – her Purpose by Design. She is the Tiffany blue “surprise” and present that God has blessed man with, as well as the Head of the Church, which is Christ. You will learn as you are unwrapped, just like a Tiffany blue present, how amazing a presentation of artwork and beauty that your Father has originally designed you for. The surprise in this book is that you are the surprise. The present is you! The gift is you! The color Tiffany Blue is the sophisticated, elegant presentation of your heavenly Father of presenting “JUST YOU.” God’s thoughts, plans, and original design for you as a woman that has not been revealed since the time of the garden of Eden, You are His masterpiece. You are His Woman of Destiny!
Extravagant Love (CD)
Jesus is the key to the Kingdom. If we are going to appropriately and accurately demonstrate His heart and His love, we must come into contact with who He is. The best way to do that is to know Him in an intimate and personal way, face to face! In this captivating message, David E. Taylor liberates the heart and mind with the empowering love of Jesus. God has always put faith in the hearts of man. When faith is in the heart, supernatural manifestations take place! As you listen, allow your heart to humbly receive that Jesus loves you beyond any knowledge He has of you. In order to love like Jesus, your heart needs to be circumcised, cutting away everything that stops the flow of Jesus from coming out of you. Jesus loves loving people and when He comes to you face to face, you will receive His love in such an intensified way, that you will love loving people too! There are some changes that will never take place in your character without seeing the face of the Lord. Jesus was the first and greatest comforter, sent to save the whole world! The Holy Spirit is another comforter, and He is for the Church. It takes supernatural encounters with Jesus to reveal truths of His Kingdom that have been lost for centuries. This message is the answer to the Body of Christ and the world! It is called The Ultimate Intimacy! Cry out for more! Love Him openly and receive His response; un-comparable love! This is the beauty of the Face to Face Relationship!!
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