
Sarcasm is a type of satirical or ironic language designed to cut or give pain. The word “sarcasm” can be traced back to the Greek verb “sarkazein” which means “to tear flesh like a dog.”


Positive: Dreaming of lighthearted joking or laughing could represent joy. In a dream, it could be representing the need for balanced and positive humor in one’s life.


Negative: In a dream, sarcastic people could represent a prideful person who seeks attention. It could also symbolize a person who puts on a mask to be accepted by others at the expense of mean and bitter humor. Mean humor could become mockery, just as Jesus was mocked during His trial.


(Psalm 32:11; Proverbs 15:13; Proverbs 17:22; Psalm 35:15-16; Psalm 69:12; Psalm 80:6).


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