
Note what the price is and look up the numbers to see their meaning.


Positive: Seeing a high price tag in a dream could symbolize the worth or value of something or someone in your life. It could represent someone who is an asset to your life and that God put around you for a reason. Seeing a low price on a good product may represent God giving you a blessing or providing for you. Seeing a price tag may represent the price that you are required to pay for God’s Kingdom. Seeing a price tag on someone may represent God revealing the price they paid to have what they have.


Negative: Dreaming about something with a low price may represent something that is of little value in your life or a waste of your time or energy. If you dream that you are overpaying for a product or service it could be God showing you an area in your life where you are being taken advantage of.


(Matthew 13:46; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 2 Samuel 24:24).

Categories: Miscellaneous
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