
Jewelry is decorative ornaments worn on clothes or on the body such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, etc. Jewelry is often made from or contains jewels, valuable metals, or precious stones. Note which specific jewel or metal the jewelry is made of.


Positive: Jewelry may represent God’s gifts or a gifted or precious person. It may also symbolize one’s heart’s desires. Jewelry can symbolize something dear to one’s heart. It could also symbolize truth and identity.


Negative: Dreaming of jewelry may also represent idolatry, self-glorification, and pride. It could also symbolize materialism. Dreaming of broken jewelry could represent disappointments in achieving or attaining


the desires of your heart. Dreaming that your jewelry is stolen could indicate that the enemy has stolen your joy.


(2 Timothy 4:3; Proverbs 17:8; James 2:2; Proverbs 11:22).

Categories: Miscellaneous
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