
Dreaming of a fruit tree can be symbolic of a believer. When you dream of a fruit tree it could be God showing you the fruit you’ve produced over time, attributes of your heard, children, or earnings.


Positive:  When you dream of a fruit tree it could represent the fruit of your labor or seed. God could be revealing the fruit of His Spirit in your life. A fruit tree could symbolize that your actions are fruitful. The fruit tree could represent growth in one’s life.


Negative: If you see rotten fruit in a dream, it could show laziness. A fruit tree with withered fruit could symbolize a curse, lack of production, or lack of faith.


(Matthew 7:16-20; Romans 6:22; Galatians 5:22-23; Ezekiel 17:8; John 15:2; Luke 6:43).

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