
A delivery is something that is dropped off or transported to another location. In the spiritual realm, it also means that God will deliver the things you’ve requested of him and prayed for.


Positive: To dream of being delivered could represent passing a test and moving to a new level. Dreaming of someone else being delivered may symbolize that person being set free. If you or someone else receives a delivery in a dream, it could represent an upcoming blessing from the Lord.


Negative: If you dream about yourself or another person it could represent that one is being delivered over to Satan for their destruction of their flesh so they might be saved by Jesus if they change. To dream of being transported in a delivery may mean that God is finished with you and is releasing you to your own desires following continual disobedience and rebellion.


(Genesis 42:37; Deuteronomy 24:13; Job 8:7; Judges 7:7; Judges 4:7; Judges 10:14; 1 Samuel 12:10; 1 Corinthians 5:5).


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