
A chipmunk is a member of the squirrel family. They are small and fast and known for using their cheek pouches to store and transfer food. If you dream of a chipmunk, God could be showing you to study their habits of hard work and diligence.


Positive: In a dream, a chipmunk could represent God showing you to save and store up your wealth. He could be showing you to be responsible. Chipmunks are fast and known to burrow to avoid their predators, a burrowing chipmunk could represent a spiritual covering.


Negative: If you dream of a chipmunk storing acorns in its cheeks, it could represent that you are selfish and greedy, trying to build up for yourself alone. If you dream of a burrowing chipmunk it could indicate that you have a spirit of fear and do not want to face life’s problems.


(Proverbs 13:4; Proverbs 21:20; Galatians 5:13).


Categories: Animals
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