
A calendar is a system for fixing the beginning, length, and divisions of a year. A calendar is used for organization, scheduling, planning, and keeping track of dates. When dreaming of a calendar, pay attention to what month it is and what number coincides with that month.


Positive: Dreaming of a certain date on a calendar could represent an important time, date, event, or appointment in one’s life. An organized calendar may represent that you are organized an on top of things.


Negative: Seeing a calendar in your dream could be a warning of an upcoming trial. A disorganized calendar could mean that you need to implement God’s order in your life. An empty calendar could mean that you need to be more consistent in doing God’s work and that you may not be spending enough time with the Lord. Seeing a calendar that is full may mean that you are spreading yourself too thin and need to prioritize.


(Ecclesiastes 3; Hosea 6:11; Numbers 4:27; Job 2:11).


Categories: Miscellaneous
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