
Twenty-three is a number following twenty-two.

Positive: Dreaming of the number 23 could represent God’s shepherding love (Psalm 23). His constant guidance, provision, care, restoration, protection, and His promises of refreshment, abundant blessing, and eternal life to those who love Him.

Psalm 23, Leviticus 23, Jeremiah 23:23

Seeing 23 in your dreams could also represent a special group of people reserved by God for His service, and therefore ineligible to fight. Moses commanded all men aged 23 be counted to fight. However, there was a special group of people reserved by God, consecrated to serve Him, representing 23,000 males.

Num. 26:1 – 2, Num. 3:12 – 13

Negative: Dreaming of 23 could represent omitting the weightier matters of the law, being justice, mercy, and faithfulness (Matthew 23:23).
Write to Mastering Love

(Romans 1:28-32).

Categories: Numbers
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