Airport: The church; family; preparation; preparing to fly in the Spirit; delay; tarry; change; power over demonic forces; provision of nourishment, both natural or spiritual; image of approaching terror. (1 Kings 9: 26-28; Ez. 30: 9; Acts 27: 1-2; Ps. 48: 7; Matt. 8: 23-27; 24: 38; 1 Peter 3: 20; Luke 5: 4; Psalms 74: 13-14; Prov. 31: 14; Jer. 23: 22)
Bank: Reward reserved in heaven; the church; storage; safe; safeguarded; security; protected; money changers in temple driven out. (John 2: 15; Matt. 6: 20; 25: 27; 21: 12; Luke 19: 23)
Banquet : See also Food, Cafeteria and Restaurant: Having plenty and being well satisfied with needs; affluence and luxury; abundance; joy and blessings; not regarding the Lord by partying; church; service; systematic serving of the Word of God; choosing what you want as opposed to receiving what you need; honoring guest; worship; celebrating victory. (Matt 25: 35; 32: 4; Psalm 19: 9-10; John 6: 27, 48-63; 4: 32, 34; 1 Cor. 3: 1-2; Heb. 5: 14; Ester 1: 3-12; 1 Sam. 25: 11, 36; Jer. 51: 34-44; Prov. 9: 13-18; Is. 5: 11-12)
Barbershop: See also Hair: Changing customs, habits and traditions, covenant of sins, religiousness; turning from wrong beliefs and strong opinions; the church as either a place of vanity, or repentance. (1 Cor. 11: 14; Lev. 19: 27; 2 Sam. 14; 25, 26; Judges 16: 17, 22; Is. 3: 17, 24; Song 5: 2, 11)
Barn: Church; provision; place to stored up wealth; deliverance; workplace; security; plenty. (Du. 28: 8; Luke 12: 18, 24; Prov. 3: 10; Matt. 3: 12; 13: 30)
Beauty Shop: See Hair, Barber Shop and Women: Preparation; vanity; holiness. (Pro. 31: 30; Hos. 10:5; Ps. 29: 2; 1 Cor. 11:15)
Church; service; systematic serving of the Word of God; choosing what you want as opposed to receiving what you need; honoring guest; worship; celebrating victory. (Matt 25: 35; 32: 4; Psalm 19: 9-10; John 6: 27, 48-63; 4: 32, 34; 1 Cor. 3: 1-2; Heb. 5: 14; Ester 1: 3-12; 1 Sam. 25: 11; Jer. 51: 34-44)
Building: Also Church Building: The church itself; congregation; an actual service; life choices; edification; new body after resurrection. (Matt. 16: 18; 7: 24-27; Luke 12: 13-21; 1 Cor.: 3: 9; 16, 17; 6: 19; Col. 2: 7; 1 Tim. 3: 15; Eph. 2: 20; 4: 12; Romans 15: 2; 2 Cor. 5: 1; Hebrews 3: 4)
City: Characteristics of what the city in the dream is known for; the church; the nature and virtue or lack of in a person; New Jerusalem the City of our God; apostate church. (Jude 1: 7; Acts 20: 23; Prov. 25: 28; Ez. 16: 49-50; Rev. 18: 10; 21: 18)
Classroom: See Teacher and School: Small group ministry within the church; God’s call of one chosen for learning and teaching; training; center of learning; five fold ministry. (Job 21: 22; Luke 8: 35; Psalm 143: 10; 18 :34; Acts 19: 9; Is. 28: 10; Matt. 21: 23; Mark 1: 21; Eph. 4: 11)
Countryside: See Nation: A quiet time; space to think; peace and tranquility. (Mark 6: 31;
1 Kings 9: 7; 17: 1-7; 19: 9-13; 1 Sam. 22: 5; Ps. 104: 10-18; Gen. 24: 63)
Courthouse: See also Judge: Time of trial; balance of mercy and judgment; persecution; judgment. (1 Cor. 6: 1; Is. 43: 12; Ps. 94: 20; Du. 17: 6-13)
Factory: Smooth service to God and organized or the opposite, the church working properly; unorganized; fervor in service. (Luke 2: 49; Rom. 12: 11; Prov. 31: 13; 1 Thess. 2: 9; Acts 20: 35)
Garden: See also Yard: Increase; work; ministry; church; pleasant; fruitfulness; prospering; pastime; field of labor. (Gen. 2: 8-10; 4: 2-3; Is. 51: 3; 58: 11; Jer. 2: 21; 1 Tim. 4: 14-15)
Hospital: Also Healing: Ministry of healing; place to caring; love; wounded church in need of healing; place of healing because of hearing the Gospel; or learning of Christ God’s Son; extended to the broken hearted; healing as a result of repentance; turning from backsliding; because of faithfulness; healing from spiritual sickness or there because of it; healing from being obedient and following God’s will. (Ez. 47: 8-11; Is. 53: 5; 19: 22-25; 6: 10; Jer. 17: 11; 3: 22; P. 137: 3; 41: 4; 2 Chron. 7: 14; Mal. 4: 2; Pro. 4: 20-22; John 9: 1-3; 2: 16)
Hotel: Temporary; migratory; socially accepted place to gather; changing church. (Luke 10: 3-31, 33-34)
House: See also Sanctuary, Temple, Tent or Tabernacle: Also Home: The church; or one’s own home; person or family; dwelling place; Tabernacle or Temple of God; the true church; heaven; security or insecurity depending on dream; center of the family or family of God; people in the church are the household of God; our present life and its condition; place to relax and be entertained with ungodly things; people in the church are the members of His household; resting place; place to return to; eternal home or heaven; reference to ones character or reputation; place where evil demonic spirits dwell; the human body or body as an earthly tent; our body as a place for God and His Spirit to live. (Luke 11: 24; 15: 6; 2 Sam. 14: 13-24; Ruth 1: 21; 4: 3; Acts 16: 31, 34; Heb. 3: 6; 3: 10-21; 1 Chron. 17: 5; Judges 11: 34; 19: 9; Acts 16: 34; Gen. 14: 14; 8: 9; 2 Cor. 5: 6; Eph. 2: 19; 3: 17; Ecc. 12: 5; Matt. 12: 44; Luke 11: 25; 2: 4; 2 Corinthians 5: 1-10; Mark 13: 34-35; 2: 1, 4-5; 3: 24; John 14: 1-4, 23; 1: 11; Job 30: 23; 2 Cor. 5; 1; Heb. 10: 21; Ps. 119: 54; 122: 1; Ex. 34: 26;13: 3; Prov. 2: 18; Luke 15: 6; 11: 25; 1 Tim. 5: 4; Is. 65: 10)
Attic: See also Upstairs, Roof and Two Story: Of the spirit; the mind; thought; right and/or wrong attitudes; stored, memories; learning; Spirit realm; upper room. (Acts 1: 12; 2: 1-4) Basement: Storage place; flooding; hidden; forgotten; carnal nature; oul; lust; depression; secret sin. (Jer. 38: 6) Bathroom: Repentance; confession; desire; cleansing; removing; expelling. (Lev. 8: 5-6; 14: 8-9; Ps. 51: 1-2; 7-10; Rev. 21: 26-27) Bedroom: Rest; privacy; peace; good covenants and wrong covenants; intimacy; Childhood home: Something from the past that is influencing you today for good or evil; same for a church; family; etc. (1 Timothy 5: 4) Dining Room: See also Eating: The table of the Lord; communion with the Lord or with the brethren; feeding on the Word. (Ho. 7: 6; Heb. 4: 12; 1 Corinthians 11: 24) Garage: Protection; storage; ministry potential for outreach. (Du. 28: 8; Luke 12: 18; Matt. 13: 30) Living Room: See also Den: Formal fellowship of church or family or friends. (Mark 2: 4-5) Porch: See also Yard: Outreach and evangelism to the church; public place, exhibited; displayed; exposed. (Mark 14: 68; Acts 5: 12; Joel 2: 17) Upstairs: See also Roof, Two Story and Attic: Going higher in the Spirit; something that is of the Spirit; Upper room; Pentecost; thought, good or bad; prayer; Spiritual service. (Acts 1: 13-14; 20: 7-8) Work Area: Service under development in the Spirit; or of God; work of the flesh. (Gen. 2: 15; Ps. 104: 23; Gal. 2: 16; Eph. 5: 11; John 6: 29; Phil. 3: 2; 1 Cor. 3: 9) Yard: See also Garden and Porch: Public part of personal life; in back could be event that is behind or over or hidden. (2 Sam. 17: 18; Esther 1: 5; 1 Kings 6: 36; Ex. 27: 9) Library: Exploration into knowledge; knowledge stored up; schooling; abundance of the Word; earthly, sensual wisdom. (2 Tim. 2: 15; James 3: 13-18; 1 Cor. 8: 1; Rom. 2: 20; Col. 1: 9) |
Nation: See also Country: Nation may represent actual nation; known characteristics of the nation. (Mark 6: 31; 1 Kings 9: 7; 17: 1-7; 19: 9-13; 1 Sam. 22: 5; Ps. 104: 10-18; Gen. 24: 63)
Park: See also Garden and Yard: Worship; enjoying God; playful; garden experience (Adam fell, Jesus faced the cross); rest; tranquility; transient’s home. (Gen. 2: 8-10; 4: 2-3; Is. 51: 3; 58: 11; Jer. 2: 21; 1 Tim. 4:14-15)
Pit: Hell; sepulcher; tomb; entrapment; enticement; self ruination. (Jer. 18: 20; Is. 14: 15; 24: 22; 38: 17-18; Rev. 9: 1-2; 20: 1-3)
Prison: Lost souls; Christian held captive by the enemy; rebellion; lawlessness; bondage; persecuted saints; slavery; Sheol or Hades; imprisoned unjustly; release from prison is God’s blessing; confinement of personal circumstances; a spiritual condition that is fallen; death; in need of recognition to God. (Gen. 39: 20; Jer. 37: 18; Ps. 68: 6; 142: 7; Gal. 3 22); Rev. 1: 18, 24; Matt. 5: 25-26; 2 Peter 2: 4)
Restaurant: See also Cafeteria and Kitchen: Place of ministry; atmosphere is important; church with good or bad teaching and serving ministry of the Word; gluttony. (Psalm 19: 9-10; John 6: 27; 48-63; 4: 32, 34; Matt 25: 35; 32: 4; 1 Cor. 3: 1-2; Heb. 5: 14)
School: See Classroom: Church; place of teaching and discipleship; people or work; training; teaching ministry. (Job 21: 22; Luke 8: 35; Psalm 143: 10; 18 :34; Acts 19: 9; Is. 28: 10; Matt. 21: 23; Mark 1: 21; Eph. 4: 11)
School: Elementary: Beginning level of walk with God; milk. (1 Cor. 3: 1-3)
Middle or Junior High: Level of maturity of person or teaching being given or received; or of one’s walk. (1 Cor. 14: 20)
High School: Promotion in level of dreamer to a higher level or could be of teaching being received or given. (1 Cor. 2: 6)
College: Highest level of learning; promotion in the Spirit; strong meat. (Rom. 15: 21)
Shopping Center: Also Marketplace: Too much to choose from; churches within the church; view of spiritual, soulish and political atmosphere that is in a church or a community or nation or even in your heart; not to be in temple of God or present during worship; leaders there to show off how grand they are; can be dishonest gain; wisdom calls out to the people there. (Prov. 7: 12; 2 Kings 7: 1, 8; Ps. 55: 11; Gen. 34: 10, 21; Amos 8: 5; Neh. 10: 31; John 2: 16; Mark 6: 56)
Skyscraper: Also see Tower, Ascend, Up, Mountain, Hills and Elevator: Prophetic church of great revelation; high places; above earthly experience; higher spiritual things; Mt. Zion; sacrifice of worship; Mt. Sinai and the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple; Songs of ascent unto Him; Tower of Babel; Mt. Carmel; dominance; control; obstacle; Jesus returning from the heavens to earth; symbolic of victory; Jesus being lifted up on the cross; wisdom that comes from above; Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. (Acts 1: 13-14; 20: 7-8; Ps. 103: 11; 1 Sam. 9: 12-14; Matt 5; 1 Kings 18; John 3: 7; James 3: 15, 17; Heb. 1: 3; 1 Thess. 4: 13-18; 1 Kings 12: 31)
Trailer: Transitory and indefinite circumstances. (James 4: 14)
Vineyard: Jewish Nation; God’s Kingdom; growing in grace; peace; fruitful wife or church; worthlessness. (Matt. 20: 1-6; Hos. 14: 7; John 15: 1-2, 6; Is. 5: 1-7; Ps. 128: 3; 1 Kings 4