Interpreting Dreams
To dream in color or a color to stand out in a dream symbolizes different characters of the Lord. Many of the colors you can see in heaven and their symbolism are the same. Colors can represent different moods of God or His outlook on your position. A few colors could mean a visitation from the Lord.
Amber – When dreaming of the color amber the bible describes this color as being fire, which represents God’s glory, the brilliance of His presence and His judgments. This dream may also be indicating that the dreamer or someone in the dream is receiving a visitation from the Lord.
Positive: This color in a dream could represent the fire of God revealing Himself in a more intimate and personal way. The bible also illustrates amber as being the color of fire which consumes or devours but will not burn. (For our God is a consuming fire.)
(Ezekiel 1:4; 1:27-28; 8:2; II Corinthians 4:6, Revelation 21:23; Hebrews 12:29)
Negative: The color amber could represent God’s fury, judgments and rebukes toward one’s life or ministry because of sinful nature and wicked heart. (To render His anger with fury and His rebukes with flames of fire.)
(Genesis 19:24, II Kings 1:10-14, Isaiah 66:15, II Thessalonians 1:7-8)
Black – When dreaming of the color black the bible describes this color as being the presence and secret place of the Father. It also shows this color as being ‘comely ‘as in lovely or beautiful.
Positive: This color could symbolize in a dream the presence of the Father (and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was) or it could also represent a darkened beauty (I am black but comely). To dream of black hair this could symbolize being healed or cleansed in one’s personal life or ministry. (Ps. 18: 9, 11; 97:2; Song of Songs 1:5; Leviticus 13:37)
Negative: Dreaming of the color black could represent a lack of substance or spiritual nourishment as in famine. (Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine.) The bible also illustrates this color as being the judgments of God because of one’s sin or deceitful lifestyle. This color may also denote being ominous or evil towards God or an individual in one’s life or ministry. To see sackcloth in a dream could represent a spiritual or natural mourning. (Rev. 6: 5-6, 12; Lam. 4:8, 5:10; Jer. 8: 21, 14:21; Ex. 20: 21; Zeph. 1: 15; Joel 2: 2; 1 Kings 18:45; Nahum 2:10)
Blue – When dreaming of the color blue the bible describes this color as being one of the royal and heavenly colors. It also illustrates in the bible that the Lord told Israel to bid which means to put on the fringes of their clothing a blue cord to remember His commandments. The bible also refers the color blue as being God’s spirit or word.
Positive: This color could symbolize having a heavenly visitation from the Lord and the dreamer may receive a divine revelation through spiritual gifts. Dreaming of the color blue could represent being chastened by the Father, for the blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil. It could in one context mean water, to cleanse or to drink freely by the spirit. (If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink.) (II Chronicles 3:14; Numbers 4:5-7, 15:38-40; Exodus 26:1, 27:16, 28:8, 31; Esther 8:15; Proverbs 20:30)
Negative: To dream of the color blue may also mean to be corrupted or dishonest through vanity and having idols before God. Blue could also mean being depressed (as in singing the blues’). (Jeremiah 10:8-9, Ezekiel 23:3-8)
Brown – When dreaming of the color brown the bible describes this as being dead, without spirit (as dead as grass is brown).
Positive: This color could represent being born again in the spirit realm. It could represent repenting of all sins and iniquities.
Negative: This color could represent in a dream being without God’s guidance or spirit. Brown also could represent being dead spiritually.
(1 Peter 1: 24; Ps. 37: 2)
Crimson – When dreaming of the color crimson the bible describes this color as being the shed of Christ blood for the remission of sins, (for the blood is the life). The bible also illustrates this color as fine materials.
Positive: This color could represent in a dream a covenant being restored (as in Behold the blood of the covenant, which the LORD hath made with you). Crimson could also represent a covering or sacrifice (as in, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy). It could also symbolize being cleansed from sin (though your sin be red like crimson, they shall be white as wool).
(Genesis 9:4-5; Deuteronomy 12:23; Hebrews 9:22; I John 1:7; Revelation 1:5; Matthew 26:28; Romans 5:9)
Negative: Dreaming of the color crimson could represent shedding of blood which could symbolize spiritual warfare.
(I Kings 2:5; I Chronicles 22:8)
Gray – When dreaming of the color gray the bible describes this as dignity and honor.
Positive: This color could mean in a dream if the hair is gray, being wise or having wisdom in a certain area or situation in one’s natural or spiritual life.
(Proverbs 16:31)
Negative: Dreaming of the color gray could symbolize weakness or lack of direction in one’s life. This color may also denote the dreamer cannot decide upon a path to take, as in unclear or hazy. Gray could also represent a hidden deception or being deceived by a false doctrine.
(Hosea 7:9)
Green – When dreaming of the color green the bible describes this color as growth and maturity. The bible also illustrates this color as being vegetation for man and beast.
Positive: This color could represent in a dream a natural or spiritual rest in the Lord or a renewal in one’s life (As in, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He restoreth my soul).
(Ps. 23: 2; Hosea 14:8; Ezekiel 17:24; Job 15:31-32)
Negative: Dreaming of the color green could represent a weakness in one’s natural or spiritual life. It could also denote immaturity or inexperience in one’s life or a certain situation. This color in a dream could also symbolize being envious of one’s possession or one’s lifestyle. This could be causing your relationship with the Lord to wither.
(1 Peter 1: 24; Job 15:31-32; Isaiah 15:6)
Orange – When dreaming about the color orange the bible describes this color as being of fire.
Positive: This color could represent in a dream the dreamer being purified or perfected under fire or persecution.
(Prov. 6:27)
Negative: Dreaming of the color orange could represent being in great jeopardy or danger. This color could mean in a dream an evil force is trying to harm one’s spiritual or natural life.
(Luke 12:49-53; Mathew 5:22)
Pink – When dreaming of the color pink this could symbolize a blending of colors such as white for purity and red for the blood of Jesus. This color could also represent in a dream being sensual or sensuous.
Positive: This color could represent in a dream the Lord taking away your stony hard heart and giving you a heart of flesh. This color could symbolize in a dream being morally pure or chaste in one’s natural or spiritual life.
(2 Corinthians 11:2; Ezekiel 36:26)
Negative: This color also means that you may have a watered down gospel and a lack of passion for the word of God.
Purple – When dreaming of the color purple the bible describes this color as being of royalty and kingship. It is also illustrates in the bible purple used for the color of royal robes and the garments of wealth.
Positive: This color could represent in a dream a high ranking in one’s spiritual or natural life. Purple can also denote a zeal or compassion for the word of God.
Judges 8: 26; John 19: 2, 5; Acts 16: 14;
Negative: Dreaming of the color purple could represent the corruption of riches and royalty but in mockery (as in, and they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head). This color could also represent in a dream to beware of scribes, which could mean people who lead others to destruction.
(Rev. 17: 4; Is. 6: 5-7; Luke 20:46)
Red – When dreaming of the color red the bible describes this color as being natural objects such as Jacob’s stew and Judah’s eyes. It also illustrates in the bible the color red as the color of blood which often symbolizes life.
Positive: This color could represent in a dream overcoming or being victorious in one’s spiritual or natural life. It could also mean being covered or washed in the blood of Jesus.
(Nahum 2:3; Isaiah 63:2)
Negative: Dreaming of the color red could symbolize a struggle or battle in one’s spiritual or natural life. This color may also represent in a dream vengeance towards the dreamer or the person that is in the dream. Red could also denote being tempted by sin or becoming ill because of disobedience.
(II Kings 3:22; Nahum 2:3, Isaiah 63:2; Revelation 12:3; Leviticus 13:19;49 Genesis 25:30; Proverbs 23:31; Proverbs 23:29)
White – When dreaming of the color white the bible describes this color as being refined, righteous and heavenly. The bible also illustrates the Lord’s throne being of white (And I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it)
(Is. 1: 18; Dan. 7: 9; John 4: 35; Mark 16: 4)
Positive: This color could represent being cleansed, innocent without spot or blemish (as in I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow). White could also represent truth and victory in one’s natural or spiritual life. Having a dream with white in it could represent a rebirth or a fresh view on life. (Revelation 6:2; 19:11, 14; Is. 1: 18)
Yellow– When dreaming of the color yellow the bible describes this color as having a spirit of wisdom and the Glory of God.
Positive: This color could represent a gift from or of God (as in a prudent wife is a gift from the Lord). Yellow could also symbolize in a dream a marriage covenant, family or to be honored or having honor in one’s natural or spiritual life. It could also represent your understanding for the word of God and your strong desire to seek wisdom. (Ps. 68: 13; Proverbs 19:14)
Negative: Dreaming of the color yellow could represent a deceitful gift or some sort of illness if your hair is yellow (as in a yellow thin hair; then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it [is] a dry scall, [even] a leprosy upon the head or beard). This color could also denote a cowardliness or fear in one’s spiritual or natural life.