40 Days of Prayer on Zoom
Mobilizing the World to Pray for America Against World War 3 David E. Taylor
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much,” (James 5:16).
The Lord wants to save America! Every day, the news is filled with reports of increasing tension coming from Russia, China, and other nations of the world, especially against the United States of America. Talk of World War 3 is on the lips of global leaders. From the spy balloon sent by China to nuclear threats from Russia against Ukraine, we are one step away from a global war. However, God has an answer and has given the solution to Apostle David E. Taylor to avert this war and preserve America!
A Vital Prophetic Message & Warning The Fight to Save America WW3
In 1991, Jesus appeared to David E. Taylor and entrusted him with an urgent message of warning concerning America’s future survival. Ten years before 9/11 happened, he warned America that Russia would pay terrorists to attack America’s financial trade centers. Again, in December 2021, Apostle warned of Russia’s imminent attack on Ukraine. For over 30 years, David E. Taylor has been warning America that Russia is planning a nuclear attack against our country that will kill 320 million Americans, and only 30 million people will be left. While in shut away for over 3 years, the Lord has given direction in face-to-face visitations to Apostle Taylor about preserving America! The question remains, “Will America Listen?”
God Spoke in a Dream to Start a Global Prayer Movement to Stop World War 3!
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;” (1 Timothy 2:1-3).
The Lord just gave two dreams to Apostle Taylor through his intercessors with a specific direction from Heaven to begin a massive global prayer movement: Read the dream below.
Dream #1: Campaign for Prophecy to America
“I just woke up from the most amazing dream. In the dream, I was talking to you Apostle, and I was saying to you, “You wouldn’t believe how many people I talk to on the phones that have had dreams about being blown up and killed during a nuclear war (or just dreaming about the war itself).” Then I started telling you about a gentleman who had a dream of this and in my dream, his dream played out in front of me, and I saw how he was killed by the nuclear explosion coming. In the dream, I had a knowing that even though he had this dream, he didn’t understand it in its entirety or what to do about it. In the dream, Apostle was having people call in if they had dreams about this before and then connecting them to the vision for saving America from WW3, because God chose them to stand with Apostle and help play their role to avert this war and to save souls. The dream was an indicator to them from God that they were hand selected by Him to stand and help Apostle Taylor in the mission to save America!”
Dream #2
“Good Morning Apostle, I had a dream that you were kicking off a massive prayer movement, with great honor, to cover the globe. I saw the announcers on stage emphasizing this great thing you were beginning, inviting the nations to come together in prayer with you for America and to stop World War 3! As we were speaking, I remember I started to sing these words, “I abide in thee, and you abide in me,” then I stopped (in the dream I thought omg, why am I singing?) Immediately, I said, “This is the relationship that Apostle has with God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit! They abide in him, and he abides in each of them.” I knew by revelation that this prayer movement being done and summoned by you was not just the kind of prayer where two or more agree and have the Lord is in the “midst of them.” It was much higher and deeper! I know in the dream God was showing me that He dwells inside of you Apostle, through the “face in face” covenant! Because of the “face in face” covenant Apostle has with God, the global prayer movement that Apostle is calling forth is going to change, preserve, and save nations! Then the next song I heard playing was, ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness!!’ The scene changed and I was standing in an audio/visual sound room with many TV screens and cameras… Apostle, you were standing a few feet outside the room talking with some men. When you finished speaking, I was able to tell you that I just dreamed and saw how he started the global zoom prayer, a global prayer movement for the nations to join in prayer for America and the world to be preserved from World War 3. Apostle, then I told you about the song “I abide in you” and as I was saying it to you Sir, a song started playing those words, “I abide in you!” Then you said, wait did you play the song, and I said no Sir! It just keeps playing! You were so visibly touched because it was so apparent that the song was being sang directly and openly to you from the Lord!! Then I saw a few other staff members and I had small water bottles that had labels on them that said, “I abide in You!” Other bottles said, “Great is Thy Faithfulness!” I was passing the water bottles to the staff. “…for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved,” (Genesis 32:30).
The Global Prayer Movement Starts March 7, 2023!
Many of you have had dreams of a nuclear war but didn’t know what to do. One of the solutions is to start a 24/7 Global Prayer movement to pray specifically against the impending nuclear World War 3! Apostle Taylor is raising up a new Global prayer movement for every nation to come together for 24/7 prayer called, “The Army of Intercessors and Prayer Warriors!” You have been called to this prayer movement! Apostle Taylor wants you to join him today by calling 1-877-843-4567 and to fill out your information below. This world covering and saving prayer will start February 20th! One of Apostle’s ministers will reach out to you shortly!
Many of you in America have dreamed about a Russian Chinese invasion against America. Apostle needs every one of you who have seen dreams about this to send them today. Text Apostle directly, use WhatsApp at 720-570-6647, or email @ visitations@koggc.org
Join David E. Taylor April 15-17, 2023 @ 7PM EST to Celebrate The New Campus for the Harvest with a Very Special Ribbon Cutting Ceremony!
“Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the house. And the priests could not enter into the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORD’S house,” (2 Chronicles 7:1-2).
Just like in Solomon’s day, after he finished praying, the glory of God came down when he dedicated the temple. After the 40 days of prayer, there will be a 3 day celebration and ribbon cutting ceremony to dedicate the Campus for the Harvest to God for His glory!
The purpose and mission of this campus is to gather God’s people and laborers to save America from nuclear disaster. Apostle Taylor wants you to be a part of the grand opening of the Campus for the Harvest!
The Army of Intercessors Is Being Raised Up Now!
Apostle Taylor is raising up an army of intercessors and prayer warriors! These people are purposed to help save the lives of millions of souls from perishing in these end times! This is a massive prayer movement, 24 hours a day. Apostle invites you to pray for America against World War Three!
We will stream the grand opening LIVE on Zoom, YouTube, Facebook, and KOGGC.ORG. The time is now!!
Zoom ID 82832912183. Passcode 777525.
Click below to read more about Prophecy to America, Averting World War 3, and face to face visitations from Jesus and His solution to preserve America!
Major Prophetic Update: The Changing of the Guard is at Hand!
Tune in Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 828 3291 2183
Passcode: 777525
One tap Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82832912183?pwd=cjVJanhvNkVqVDNtY1NZaEpidU9PZz09