
DAY 46:

“The Bible says that Job was “perfect and upright,” but God still had to prove him.

“I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings,” (Jeremiah 17:10).

God is after our hearts! Never forget that God tries all hearts. This is how He determines our spiritual purchasing power with Him. Nobody is exempt from being tested. However, the tests God gives can vary. Solomon was tested with people, Job was tested directly by Satan, which is one of the toughest test in the Bible.

God was testing Job’s ability to stay integral and upright. God basically told Satan to test Job to see if he would remain loyal to God.. (Job 1:8)

God allowed Satan to have his way, and he destroyed Job’s business, animals, servants, and sons and daughters.. Most people today would be offended with God and failed the test, but when Job heard what Satan did, he worshipped God and remained loyal!!

When you are faithful with the heart God gives you, He comes to you again and gives you the opportunity to establish a greater spiritual buying power with Him, by allowing tests with greater degrees of difficulty. Therefore, Job was tested again. This time it was not with people and things around him, now he was being stricken and afflicted. 

Job’s wife was able to stand with him in the first test, but not in the second one. She told him to curse God and die. Unlike Adam who listened to his wife and disobeyed God, Job shut his wife down and refused to charge God foolishly. Job overcame this test with great fortitude and patience and God visited him face to face and healed him! 

“So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses. He had also seven sons and three daughters, (Job 42:12-13).

Job’s end was greater, because through the trials he went through, his spiritual buying power increased and God could give him more!! Don’t despise the trials and tests, let God prove you through them, so He can increase you too..!” David E. Taylor~

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