
DAY 38:

“The Blood of Jesus is an Eternal Currency
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s,” (1 Corinthians 6:20).
The church has taught that salvation is free because we did not have to pay God to receive it. However, that is not true. Salvation is a gift from God to us, but it is not free, it came at an extremely high price. Jehovah required payment for the world to be saved and Jesus paid that price with His own life.
“… the precious blood of Christ,” (1 Peter 1:19).
The price paid for saving your soul was and is the Blood of Jesus! Not only is the heart used as a form of payment, the Blood of Jesus, which also pumped through His heart and paid the price for yours to be saved to the uttermost!
No man could buy the world back from Satan, not even one with the right heart, because not one had enough purchasing power with the Father. Only the incorruptible precious Blood from the heart of Jesus could buy the world, and it will never lose its  power. The eternal currency of the Blood of Jesus did not just redeem us in this present time, it redeems for perpetual eternities.
Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us… they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance,” (Hebrews 9:12,15).
The Blood of Jesus was so costly, it did not just redeem us, it made us eternal kings and priests!! We must always thank our Lord Jesus for His precious sacrifice and for paying the ultimate price for the world..!!” ~David E. Taylor~

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