
DAY 1:

The world has many mentoring “opportunities” that distract and mislead us away from the Lord and His ways. However, God, in His amazing grace, gives us strategy that will cause us to grow in wisdom, the right knowledge, and to gain understanding! 
“For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers: (For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow:) Shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart?” (Job 8:8-10).
There is a hunger in the world for knowledge and information, but sadly most of that hunger is not going to satisfy the eternal hunger that the souls of men and women so desperately need, to walk in their divine identity and destiny today.
The devil wants you to pursue knowledge that destroys souls, rather than the knowledge of the one that saves to the uttermost!! The knowledge that brings you into a place with God that has no limitations, boundaries, or impossibilities. 
It is time to seek mentorship that not only prepares you for great things, but teaches you the way Jesus taught His disciples and the masses! It’s time to develop the right kind of love and maturity that will root and ground you in growing and gaining continual understanding, to walk in the greater power and glory that God intended for you, since before the foundation of the world!!
Call 1-877-843-4567 today to join the phenomenal mentorship and greater works institute that God commissioned David E. Taylor to establish! This is the training for reigning you need to enter the greater truth and promises for your divine identity and destiny!! ~David E. Taylor~

~David E. Taylor~

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