

Kathleen W. :

When I first learned that Jesus would come to us, I didn’t doubt that, I did however, doubt that HE would come to me… I had bought the lie of the enemy that I was not good enough for Jesus to come to me.

David E. Taylor did not relent in telling me that Jesus was coming, and I am so grateful he did not!! One morning during a “Face to Face” class, he told me that Jesus was coming soon.  I decided that morning that I was going to come into agreement with Jesus and believe that He was coming.  I began EXPECTING Him! I began waiting on Him, EVERYWHERE!!  I was constantly looking for Him.  Apostle told us to begin worshiping Him, to love on Him, to adore Him, and I literally began sleeping with my mp3 player and played every song of adoration and love for Him, continuously!!

It was just a short time later, Jesus appeared to me! He was so tender! He was so gentle! He was so loving! The love that exuded from Him was like nothing I had ever up until that point, ever experienced! His love truly had no end. It captivated my heart and my life! I was forever changed! Although He did not speak a lot to me in this first visitation, He spoke to my heart! His eyes were endless and overflowed with LOVE!! He received me in the midst of all of my ugliness and hurt! He held out His arms, and told me to come to Him. I began walking toward Him, all the while feeling like I could do anything in His presence! I had no fear with Him!! I felt so secure! He was all powerful, and at the same time, all gentle and compassionate! He wrapped me in His arms and held me in His lap. Pouring into me, His Love that changes EVERYTHING, into my heart and began dismantling every hurt and pain I had ever encountered! This was a healing process I so desperately needed. Immediately, I was different! My children were pleasantly surprised as well as most people in my life!! ϑ The change was obvious, and I even recognized the change, which was even better!!  I had let JESUS in, and he started changing me instantly.  I did not respond or react the same as I had, just days before.  I was more patient, I was gentle, and I was more kind.  (Although I am a work in progress, I was beginning to truly die to myself, and let Jesus live through me!!)



Kelsi K. :

In one of my visitations from Jesus, we were at praise and worship rehearsal. We got into deep worship and I fell to my knees crying out to The Lord. I kept asking for Him to come to me and show me His face. Suddenly I saw two screens. The top screen showed an image of Apostle Taylor standing in the middle of the stage; one of his arms was outstretched with his hand open. A crown was being placed on Apostle’s head. The crown was gold with many different precious gems like rubies, emeralds, and diamonds. In the second screen I saw, Jesus himself was down on one knee in the Miracles Today TV studio. He looked so gentle and tender and His arms were open. I instinctively ran over to Jesus and embraced him. He continuously spoke these words to me, “I love you, just love me.” He was wearing a white robe, like he’s worn in every visitation I’ve had, and when I hugged him I realized how soft the robe was. The material of Jesus’ robe was unearthly like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It was like silk fused with the softest fleece imaginable. I held on to Him for what felt like hours and I could feel His love and kindness. I was immediately immersed in love and I knew then the capacity in which He really loves us; I still don’t think I comprehend how much that is. I was reminded of how gentle and meek He is, the way He cherishes every human, and the special place in His heart for children. I will never forget the love, peace, and acceptance that I felt during this visitation from Jesus Christ in my life and look forward to the ones to come.

Jalen H. :

I  thought I had seen and heard a lot based off of the teachings I’ve heard and miracles I’ve seen until I got my hands on the “Face-to-Face Experience with Jesus” book written by David E. Taylor. My first encounter with Jesus was December 23rd, 2012 while being in the midst of reading the Face-to-Face book. Jesus appeared to me that night in a dream, I didn’t see his face yet but I saw him flow in front and above me wearing a white robe with his hand out towards me telling me to fly with him. I woke so excited and on fire for Jesus like never before and it influenced me to be a part of JMMI in serving Jesus’ ministry. I wanted to see more of him so I made that strongly a part of my prayers every time I would pray and Jesus surely did not ignore it.




Cliff W. :

In the year 2008, the Lord Jesus appeared to me in a dream. In this dream I saw Jesus standing in an all-white robe. We were standing inside of a church service and there was a man in the pulpit preaching. I had never seen this preacher before but, Jesus turned and said to me, “I want you to follow this man’s ministry because first and foremost he’s My friend and he teaches what I teach.”  I responded to the Lord by saying, “Okay”.

I then woke up from this dream in excitement because I just saw Jesus face to face. At that moment I said, “Lord I’ll do anything you tell me to do but you never told me who that man was or where he was at”. A few days went by and my wife and I were watching different televangelists on YouTube. Then suddenly we came across a clip of a man that God was using to do miracles and get people healed. I told my wife, “That’s the same man that Jesus showed me in a dream!” My wife started to rejoice because she recognized who this man of God was. She said, ” I know him he came to my church in 2003 and he sees Jesus all the time.” I told her that I believe it because Jesus told me he was His personal friend during my dream.

Just days later I will still be asking Jesus to please tell me in detail who this man was and He answered me in a way that I wasn’t expecting. The Lord had given me another dream later that night and I saw an apartment building that had nine different floors on it. I stood on the stoop of this apartment building and looked at each floor. There were people in each window for every level. In this order I saw who occupied these floors:

Floor 1- My old pastor

Floor 2- John G. Lake

Floors 3 & 4- Two men whom I don’t know but God used them powerfully in their day

Floor 5- Prophetess Juanita Bynum

Floor 6- Smith Wigglesworth

Floor 7- Maria Woodworth Etter

Floor 8- Pastor Benny Hinn

Floor 9- Kathryn Kuhlman

This concluded everyone that I saw within the building as I looked from the bottom to the top. After I saw everyone inside the building, I looked on top of the roof and there I saw Jesus standing in an all-white robe that was glowing. And then I looked on His right side and I saw Apostle David E. Taylor standing there.  I knew that Jesus had answered me through this dream but, I was so amazed because I know who all those people were that was inside of the building but to see a young man as Apostle Taylor stand so close to the Lord was just mind blowing that I almost couldn’t believe it but I knew it was true by Jesus himself being present and showing me.

Daniel G. :

I loved Jesus seemingly with all my heart, something was missing, a disconnection! That Gap was Bridged with A Life Changing, Life Altering Message in a book it’s The Ultimate Intimacy; Face to Face Appearances from Jesus”!  After reading the book my dreams increased tremendously, my hunger and thirst for Jesus increased, my desire to know Him intensified greatly! I begin to establish a real relationship with Him! While observing the Jewish Holiday Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement September 4 2013 during fourth watch prayer I had an open vision. I had a vision of a man with a robe on. His robe was billowing and massive looking like waves folding as it ran down his arms and down his body. It was white. His arms were stretch out wide in an open position. I saw men sitting at a long massive table that looked like a portal with the earth and mankind on the other side of this portal through the table. One man grabbed the cross of Jesus and waved it over the world, in my mind I knew atonement for the world, the blood of Jesus, his redemptive work. The man seat/chair or thrown was this alive matter with rainbow color’s I can’t describe. It was alive and moving. It was royal cashmere patterns in it that was physically moving. I saw the man from the forehead up with a crown on his head. In my spirit I knew the men were elders.


Marcia M. :

One of the most significant face to face appearances from Jesus I have had is when He came to me in this realm to my fire house one morning just a few months after reading Face to Face Appearances from Jesus.  It changed my life forever!
I step in the truck bay area (where the fire trucks and ambulances are parked) and immediately I felt the presence of The Lord and I heard His voice saying “I’m coming to you tonight during the night watch!”   So that’s when it came to me that I would be the only one in our bunk hall and I quickly ran upstairs to prepare the room for The Lord.  I saturated the room with songs that I knew would draw Him near.  I knew without a shadow of doubt that Jesus was coming.  I prepared to do whatever I could so that I wouldn’t miss Him.  I spent the rest of the day worshiping Him and mediating on His words.  At 10 pm, we were called out on an emergency call. We were at this fire all night long into the morning time.  Needless to say, I forgot that I was waiting for Jesus to come.
After working intensely for 8 hours to put this fire out,  we arrived back to the firehouse extremely tired and very dirty. So, I plopped down on the recliner to prepare for my shower.  As soon as I hit the seat, I remember Jesus was coming and I kept thinking that I missed Jesus!!!  He was coming to me last night and I missed him!

At this time, day was breaking.  It was still dark outside but I could see a little light coming through the vertical blinds in my bunk hall and there was a slight breeze moving the vertical blinds.

I closed my eyes with slight disappointments and some question within myself as to whether I heard Jesus say He was coming to me or not.   Then I immediately felt His presence, I opened my eyes and there He was standing about 12 feet across the room from me.  His hair was blowing in the breeze that was in the room.   It was Perfectly parted in the middle.  I was able to see the outlining of his robe.  He drew closer to me and as he came close there were intense vibrations that went through my body.  His presence was magnetic!  It was overwhelming!  I didn’t want him to leave!

I went down on my face before Him. He began to speak to me without actually moving His lips and I understood every detail within in me.  His words penetrated through my body.  His eyes were full of love and compassion for me.  I knew Jesus loved me very much!  He spoke to me details concerning His love for me but the only thing I could remember Him telling me is that He was going to come back to me soon.  He left through the wall.  That appearance changed my life.  Something happened to me on the inside that I can never forget or that can be taken away.  This was the only time that I have seen Him in this realm and this is the only time that I felt His presence with that great of an intensity go through my body!  My life is not the same!  I could never just settle for feeling His presence.  His presence is awesome but i know there’s more.

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