
DAY 80:

“Do you know what time it is?

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is,” (Ephesians 5:15-17).

Saints, we are in a crucial time in history. It is not the time to casually go about life. Selfishly and ambitiously seeking our own desires, aspirations, and wills. The days are evil, and we must be wise and understanding to the heart, ways, and WILL of God. There is a harvest to reap, but the laborers are few, because they are not focused on what God is focused on right NOW. We must keep up with God.. not move ahead of Him, or stay comfortable in our own accomplishments that we do not realize we are so far behind Him, that we are separated from His will being done. The thing about God, His vision is for the World.. His heart is for His house to be full, not yours!

Many people are going about doing seemingly godly things, but they do not realize they are outside of His will. Just because something is good and godly, does not mean it is His will for the time you are in. You must get wisdom and understanding about the WILL of God, not just the WORK of God..

Don’t forget that you are on the earth for a reason and a divine purpose, that goes beyond where you are now, no matter how far you have come or what you have personally accomplished. The time to understand God’s will is NOW. There isn’t going to be multiple End-Time Moves… God’s Coming down Himself, Face in Face, as the Latter Rain Glory, and we must be prepared to work with Him not independent of Him.

Do not let the evil days cause your heart to become offended and you turn and betray the only One who can SAVE you in the end! Be encouraged, I am praying for all of you each day, while I am shut-in the church with the Lord..!”

~David E. Taylor~

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