
DAY 56:

“The Lord is Jealous Over Us!

“Thus saith the Lord of hosts; I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy,” (Zechariah 1:14).

God is a jealous God and He has been known to use jealousy to provoke His people when they get complacent or distracted in their relationship with Him. In fact, it is recorded numerous times in scripture. 

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God,” (Exodus 20:5).

The Lord wants us to be jealous over Him with a godly jealousy. In Romans 10, He even says that He will provoke us to jealousy! There is a pure, godly jealousy in the realm of the Spirit that is unlike the impure jealousy of the flesh that leads to anger, cruelty, and at times, even murder. That is the worldly spirit of jealousy and Satan uses it to murder and treat people cruelly.

However, godly jealousy is holy and pure. The first time “jealous” is used in the Old Testament, it is translated from the Hebrew word “qana,” which means, “to be zealous or to make zealous over another or for another.” In the New Testament, the word for jealousy in the Greek is “zelos,” which has a little more depth to its meaning: “to have warmth of feelings for or against, to also have desire to become boiling, or have ferventness.”

Precious friends, God is jealous over His relationship with you and He wants you to be godly jealous over your relationship with Him!! Don’t ever let anything or anyone come between your relationship with the Lord, for there is no greater reward than Him..!

~David E. Taylor~


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