
DAY 260:

“Do not let the opinions or approval of people distract you from the divine connections of God! I have seen this happen to people so many times over the years.

I am sure that many people spend time praying and inquiring of God to send help. However, when God is answering and directing their paths with the right connections and with the help they so desperately need, the immature influence and a lack of understanding from the people around them causes them to dismiss God’s answers.

‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths,’ (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Are you rejecting God’s answers because you’re leaning on the understanding of those around you? Some of you don’t lean on your own understanding, but you rely on people just like you. I understand the counsel that comes forth from a multitude of counselors, but some are seeking godly counsel from people who are not even saved. Therefore, they miss, dismiss, and reject God’s direction for their lives and stay limited and far from the heights and depths He desires to take them.

Your trust must be in the Lord my friends! If you don’t trust Him, you will lean on the limitations of the fallen state of your understanding and others around you. I’m not saying they don’t mean well, but GOD’s will for your life and destiny is great, victorious, and prosperous, lacking nothing!! The enemy strives for nothing less than seeing that plan and purpose paralyzed and never fulfilled, simply by your ignorance to the depths of God’s thoughts and plans for you.

I pray that you come to a place of true love and surrender so that you can fully trust the Lord with all your heart and know that nothing you can fathom compares to the superior direction and destiny He already purposed for you!

Call 1-877-843-4567 to agree in prayer for a heart to fully submit and surrender to the will of God for your life, even if people around you disapprove or are disappointed.. Sometimes you need to disconnect to CONNECT to your divine destiny.. and it comes down to you trusting the Lord with your whole heart..!”


~David E. Taylor~

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