
DAY 231:

“God desires that you finish well!!

‘Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit,’ (Ecclesiastes 7:8).

I want to encourage you to never get complacent or comfortable in your relationship with Jesus or the revelation, gifts, and even the answered prayers you have received from Him. Don’t put your confidence in what God gives you, and lose sight of HIM, His heart, or His ways.

After David, Solomon became king, however, he was not confident in governing the people and he made a sacrifice to God to help him.. As always, God was faithful and visited him in a dream. God told Solomon that he could ask for anything and God would give it to him! Solomon pleased the Lord when he asked Him for an understanding heart to judge the people. His request resulted in Solomon receiving wisdom and understanding and a wealth of other blessings as well! He handled the people he was over with wisdom and today we apply his wisdom as well!

These things were all great, but they were not enough to keep Solomon on course to finish well. Because it was his weaknesses that caused him to stumble and disobey God’s commands, not his strengths (Exodus 23:32-33).

You must remember that Satan’s plan is always to attack your weaknesses.. with an appearance of something good or even as an answered prayer.. while it subtly destroys you.

Christians tend to be so focused on their strengths that they miss the areas where they are weak. When you fail to face your weaknesses, Satan gets in, trips you up, and causes you to get off the course to the good and expected end God planned for you. Friends, I pray that you don’t only ask God for what helps you help others, but that you will keep Him first and never put anything between your heart and His.. Stay in Him and His will and you will finish well..!”

~David E. Taylor~

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