
DAY 200:

~David E. Taylor~

“Are the little things robbing you?

‘Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes,’ (Song of Solomon 2:15).

Every day we have the opportunity to let the little things rob us of our peace, joy, strength, patience, and ultimately our love. This can happen when you can’t find your keys, spill your coffee, the baby won’t stop crying, the line in the grocery store is standing still, or any other obstacle that comes your way in a given day.. All of these things can get you frustrated and cause you to give in to your unfortunate circumstances and lose your control or… you can remember that God is in control!

When you surrender all to Him, that includes all the little interruptions that can become irritating if you do not remember that God is in control and He is doing something within you! He is developing your character, faith, patience, and heart! Don’t let the little things spoil any of your days.. Relinquish your need to control to the ONE who is in control and is perfecting all that concerns you..!”

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